Central Region

Anthroposophical Society in America


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Mission of the Central Regional Council

Welcome to the Central Region of the Anthroposophical Society in America website.

Regional activities within the central region are coordinated by the Central Regional Council (CRC) of the Anthroposophical Society in America.  The CRC is an initiative group rather than a governing body.  It has no legal or administrative responsibility other than to support the life of Anthroposophy in the central region.  The way in which this mandate has been taken up, through the years, is a reflection of the individuals who have comprised the council and also responds to the needs of the times in which we live.

The mission of the CRC is to help provide opportunities for human beings longing for the spirit to meet each other soul to soul.  The Central Region of the Anthroposophical Society includes members in states from Ohio to Texas, Mississippi to the Dakotas.  We see networking across this region, where many members live far from centers of anthroposophical activity, as one of our most important tasks.

For more background information about the history, development and work of the CRC click here.

Making Connections

Hoping to find other anthroposophists in your geographic area? If you would like help making those connections, please email us at CentralRegionASA@gmail.com and tell us where you are located.

The Regional Council

The current membership of the CRC, in order of length of time served:

Lisa Dalton
Dallas-Fort Worth, TX – since 2018

Mary Mertz
Salina, KS – since 2022

Michael Gratsch – since 2023
Pinckney, MI

working with Jeffrey Levy
Louisville, KY

Central Regional Council

Central Region Activities

Monthly Online Study Group

The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World

Next meeting Wednesday, August 7

7:15-8:30 p.m. Central Time

(We generally meet the first Wednesday evening of each month.)

The Zoom details are sent via email before each meeting. Contact Mary Mertz at CentralRegion.ASA@gmail.com if you want to receive emails from the Central Regional Council.

Focus of the August 7 meeting: Lecture 5 of The Spiritual Hierarchies and the Physical World -- Zodiac, Planets and Cosmos (CW 110). 

Rudolf Steiner gave these 10 lectures in Dusseldorf in April 1909. They take us into the exalted regions of the spiritual world, illuminating the actions of the spiritual beings and explaining the task allotted to humanity in world evolution.

The lectures can be found on the Rudolf Steiner Archive by clicking this link. *

* Please consider giving to the digital library of Rudolf Steiner's work. You can read more at https://steinerlibrary.org/.

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Recent Activities

In March 2024 we wrapped up our study of

"Christ and the Spiritual World - The Quest for the Holy Grail" (GA 149),
a lecture series Rudolf Steiner gave in Leipzig
December 28, 1913 - January 2, 1914

A table of contents for the lecture series, and links to all six lectures, can be found on the RS Archive by clicking this link.

Thanks to all who participated -- we had some great discussions!

Before that we read "The Mysteries of the Holy Grail -- from Arthur and Parzival to Modern Initiation," from the work of Rudolf Steiner, compiled and edited by Matthew Barton. 
Document Sharing:

Chapter 28 Full Lecture

Chapter 27 Parzival Saga (scan of ch. 27)

Chapter 26 Full Lecture

For chapter 25 (2 parts) see uploaded PDFs below

Chapter 24 Full Lecture

Chapter 23 Full Lecture

Chapter 22 Full Lecture

Chapter 21 Full Lecture

Chapter 20 part one Full Lecture

Chapter 20 part two Full Lecture

Chapter 19 Full Lecture

Chapter 18 Full Lecture

Chapter 17 Full Lecture

Chapter 16 Full Lecture

Chapter 7 Full Lecture

Chapter 6 Full Lectures

Chapter 5 Full Lecture

Chapter 27 Parzival Saga

The Central Region Archive

The Karma Project, eCorrespondence, The Bridging Project, Speaking with the Stars Initiative